Missing a few electronic parts for your ActivityBot robot? Individual items are available in the Components section. Missing a lot of parts, or need to replenish your school's ActivityBot fleet? Then consider this refresher pack. It's is the same bag of electronic parts that ships with brand new ActivityBot robot kits. It includes all the wires, capacitors, resistors, LEDs, IR receivers, phototransistors and piezospeaker needed for the ActivityBot tutorial.
Note: Each ActivityBot Robot Kit already includes this pack of electronic components. This kit is offered for replacement parts, or for your custom uses.
This refresher pack does NOT include the ActivityBot Encoder Kit or its 20 k-ohm resistors (#32501), High Speed Servos (#900-00025), or the PING))) Ultrasonic Distance Sensor (28015). All of those items are available separately.
Kit Contents:
(6) - 1 k-ohm 1/4 W 5% Carbon Film Resistor (#150-01020)
(4) - 10 k-ohm 1/4 W 5% Carbon Film Resistor (#150-01030)
(2) - 2 k-ohm 1/4 W 5% Carbon Film Resistor (#150-02020)
(2) - 2.2 k-ohm 1/4 W 5% Carbon Film Resistor (#150-02200)
(14) - 220 ohm 1/4 W 5% Carbon Film Resistor (#150-02210)
(4) - 470 ohm 1/4 W 5% Carbon Film Resistor (#150-04710)
(2) - 4.7 k-ohm 1/4 W 5% Carbon Film Resistor (#150-04720)
(2) - 0.01 uF 50 V 5% Metal Film Radial Capacitor (#200-01031)
(2) - 0.1 uF 100 V 10% Mono Radial Capacitor (#200-01040)
(6) - Infrared T1 3/4 LED (#350-00003)
(2) - Red T1 3/4 LED (#350-00006)
(2) - 850NM T1 3/4 Phototransistor (#350-00029)
(6) - Infrared Receiver (#350-00014)
(6) - LED Standoff (#350-90000)
(6) - LED Light Shield (#350-90001)
(2) - Tact Switch (#400-00002)
(2) - 3-Pin Single Row Header (long) (#451-00303)
(2) - Whisker Wire (#700-00056)
(2) - 3" Jumper Wires (1bag of 10) (#800-00016)
(1) - Piezo Speaker (#900-00001)