PicoTurbine REDEP Renewable Energy Education DVD Set

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Get them all and have hours of fun learning about living off the grid.

Wind Turbine Installation- An addition of a new wind turbine could make a huge reduction in carbon footprints, as people would have to rarely run things on fossil-fuel powered generators any more, since the months with the least sun tend to have more wind. Interested in learning how people install those windmill turbines on their houses. This is inexpensive and gives you a great overall idea on how everything works.

Biodiesel Basics- is a one hour tour of the biodiesel production facility that Author William "Bill" Kemp set up in his garage. It takes you step-by-step through the process of turning waste vegetable oil into ASTM quality biodiesel. The emphasis in Bill's production process is safety first and producing high quality biodiesel while doing the right thing for the environment.

Grow your own Vegetables- 2 hour’s long "Seven Easy Steps to Your Own Backyard Product Department" makes it easy. There are step by step the simple ways to turn lawns into gardens and how to build up and condition soil to prepare it to grow vegetables. It covers all of the techniques you'll need to maximize the output of your garden, even if you have a confined space. You will learn how to deal with safe and organic treatment of pests, how to deal with water issues which can be challenging in many locales, and numerous issues with the production of food.

Finally you are shown how to harvest and store those vegetables to extend your eating season, and help offset some of those inevitable price increases that rapidly increasing energy costs will bring.

Living with Renewable Energy DVD- A guided tour of an off-the-electricity grid home, and shows how normal life can be while using a fraction of the energy of a typical North American home, and generating all your own power from the sun and wind.