OWI-RINK Robot Rink
OWI introduces a self-contained arena for its highly acclaimed OWIKITS. The Robot Rink is an exciting way to “celebrate” and demonstrate students’ robot construction. The individual or multiple robotics interaction arena is lightweight, tough, and classroom tested.
Made of a durable, high-density styrene plastic construction. OWI’s Robot Rink is 44 inches in diameter, 3 inches high and will collapse into a compact 8-inch diameter coil for easy storage. The smart-lock joint resists separation, but also allows for multiple rinks to be attached for a mondo robot plaza. It’s perfect for robot experimentation at home, school, museums, and summer camp environments. The mini instructions will provide suggestions for robot applications, such as: single or multiple crash-action robots, tracks inside or outside the Robot Rink, great for avoiding type robots, containment of projectiles, and how about a robot soccer game?
Easy to assemble; it’s as simple as uncoiling and connecting the open ends. Voila… Let’s get ready to R O B O T!