Power Supplies:
+12 volts + 5% 200mA max.; -12 volts +5%200mA max., +5 volts
+5% 250mA max.
Fixed Supplies:
+12 VDC +5% 150mA each Short circuit protected.
Variable Suplies:
0 to +7.5 VDC + 10% 0 to -7.5 VDC + 10% 50mA each. Both supplies short circuit protected and have LED short indicators and a 5V test point.
User variable by external capacitor (0.1 Hz to 100 kHz) User FM control line.
Uncommitted Functions:
2 Slide posts, 10 K and 100 K + 20%
2 SPDT slide switches
2 BNC connectors
1 Speaker, 2”, 8 ohms
Duty Cycle:
50% of all waveforms
Amplitudes (typical):
Sine 4 Vp-p 10 k ohm load
Triangle 9 V p-p 10 k ohm load
Square 8 V p-p 10 k ohm load
TTL logic “0” 0.3 V max. at 1 TTL load
TTL logic “1” 4 V min., at 1 TTL load
User AM control line (only affects sine and triangle waves)