Classroom Solder Practice
Activity For up to 24 Students
Here's the perfect way to introduce soldering to your students and give them the
necessary soldering experience needed to build electronic kits. This activity
box contains 24 etched and drilled 2 1/2" x 1" PC boards, a large bag
of resistors, a bag of capacitors, a bag of diodes, a bag of LEDs, two different
sizes of IC sockets and a bag of transistors. All the components and circuit
boards necessary to give 24 students ample practice in soldering. As a bonus we
also include a Transparency Set that has information for the teacher to use to
teach soldering techniques, a small commercially assembled board that the
teacher can show students what good soldering joints look like, and a demo
software disk that has a section on soldering and component ID. All that is
needed is solder, soldering irons, and cutters . You get over 400 practice
parts and 24 nonfunctional circuit boards for practice.
Beginner, no previous knowledge of electronics. Needs assistance from
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