BBK-3 44 in 1 Commucations & Opto Lab (non soldering kit)

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Absolutely the best introduction to Radio Communications and Opto-Electronics.

- PA Systems with Microphone and Speakers
- AM Radio Receiver
- AM & FM Broadcast Stations
- Optical Receivers & Transmitters
- Infrared Communication Links
- Fiber Optic Communication Links
- IR Remote Control Transmitters and Receivers
- IR Proximity Detectors ...and Many More!

This lab was created with the student in mind. It will keep the hands

and minds of the students busy building amazing communication

experiments by using wire, fiber optics, radio waves, light and

infrared links. No previous knowledge or experience is required.

Kit includes:
- Over 50 Electronic Components
- 2 Solderless Breadboards
- 64 Page, Fully Illustrated Manual.
- A Tuner Board (Requires Soldering)

Check out the experiments in the 44 in 1. Each one is designed to progress in an easy-to-follow and logical manner. Each experiment explores both meaningful and interesting topics:
1 Introduction
2 Parts Inventory
3 Preactivity
4 Lesson 1 Electronic Communication
5 Experiment 1 Morse Code Generator
6 Experiment 2 1-Wire Telegraph System
7 Experiment 3 2-Wire PA System
8 Experiment 4 Coaxial Cable PA System
9 Lesson 2 Alternating Current (AC) Characteristics
10 Lesson 3 Radio Communication & Electromagnetic Waves
11 Lesson 4 Frequency Spectrum
12 Lesson 5 Wireless Lightwave Communication
13 Experiment 5 Opto Receiver
14 Experiment 6 Opto Transmitter
15 Experiment 7 Infrared Opto Transmitter
16 Experiment 8 Opto Voice Transmitter
17 Experiment 9 Infrared Opto Voice Transmitter
18 Experiment 10 Opto Music Transmitter
19 Experiment 11 Infrared Opto Music Transmitter
20 Lesson 6 Fiber Optics Communication
21 Experiment 12 Introduction to Fiber Optics
22 Experiment 13 Fiber Optics - Dual Color Transmission
23 Experiment 14 Fiber Optics - Multiple Fiber Transmission
24 Experiment 15 Fiber Optic Audio Link
25 Experiment 16 Infrared Fiber Optic Audio Link
26 Experiment 17 Infrared Remote Control Receiver
27 Experiment 18 Infrared Remote Control Transmitter
28 Experiment 19 Audible Infrared Remote Control Receiver
29 Experiment 20 Infrared Proximity Detector
30 Experiment 21 Audible Infrared Proximity Detector
31 Experiment 22 Infrared On/Off Remote Control Switch
32 Experiment 23 Simple Infrared Transmitter
33 Lesson 7 AM/FM Radio Communication
34 Experiment 24 Crystal Radio Receiver
35 Experiment 25 Basic AM Receiver
36 Experiment 26 AM Radio Receiver with Speaker
37 Experiment 27 AM Radio Receiver with Speaker and Volume Control
38 Experiment 28 AM Tone Transmitter
39 Experiment 29 AM Code Transmitter
40 Experiment 30 AM Broadcast Station
41 Experiment 31 AM Microphone Transmitter
42 Experiment 32 FM Tone Transmitter
43 Experiment 33 FM Code Transmitter
44 Experiment 34 FM Microphone Transmitter

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